The gentle  nudge
you may need.

Revolutionise medication routines with Rita - stay organised, on time, and in control of health journeys for a happier, healthier life.

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Meet Rita.

An at-home smart pill device, packed with personality and features to seamlessly integrate into your or a loved one's daily routine.

Track yours or your family’s consumption at home or on the go.

Keeping track of the “when did I have that” or “who’s had what” can be time consuming and tiring. Designated users and carers within the ‘Rita App’ can have full health data of what and when medication has been ‘dropped’.

“The ability to see if my mother has taken her medication is pivotal for her health, but also my piece of mind when I'm not around."

Paul Lucas

Refill at home or get Halos delivered straight to your door.*

Save time on reoccuring medications and prescriptions with our 'Halo' refill cartridges. Have our pre-packaged 'Halos' delivered straight to your door and simply load the cartridge into Rita, pop the pills into Rita, and you're ready to go!

*Halos coming soon, not available at launch.

“Having the tablets already organised gives me the peace of mind that my grandfather takes the correct dose on time.”

Rosie Luchford

Focus on the things that truly matter.

Carers, we think your time is gold dust! It shouldn't be wasted on admin or spending hours opening and organising pill boxes every single week. Let us take care of that, and you can focus on things that truly matter, your loved one or patient.

“Being able to spend time with my mum, and not have to always focus on her medication routines, will really help me connect with her”

Helen Critten

Reimagining the whole system.

We believe that if it ain’t broke, it still needs improving. Your health and well-being deserve the best, not just what’s always been done.

Flexible Capacity

Splitting the medication across three bays allows Rita to accommodate each individual use case.


Using an integrated fingerprint sensor ensures the right users the right users are getting their right medication.

Multiple Users

Using flexible capacity and the integrated fingerprint sensor allows us dedicate partitions of the device for multiple users.

Smart Home Enabled

Connecting Rita to your smart speakers and lights allows you to receive ambient notifications, anywhere in your home.


Introducing the circular economy into the medication industry, reducing the amount of single-use plastic in health journeys.


Using simple and standardised parts allows us to lower our costs, passing these savings onto you.

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Building the gentle
nudge you may need.

© 2023 Love Rita Limited. All rights reserved.